Module Wayland.Unix_transport

Send messages over a Unix-domain socket.

type t = < S.transport ; close : unit ; socket : Eio_unix.Net.stream_socket_ty Eio.Resource.t >
val of_socket : _ Eio_unix.Net.stream_socket -> t
val socket_path : ?wayland_display:string -> unit -> string

socket_path () returns the path to the wayland socket to use.

  1. If $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set then it returns that. If the path is relative then "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" is used.
  2. If $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is not set, it defaults to "wayland-0".
  • parameter wayland_display

    Use this as the value of $WAYLAND_DISPLAY instead of reading it from the environment.

val connect : sw:Eio.Switch.t -> net:Eio_unix.Net.t -> unit -> t

connect ~sw ~net () connects to the Wayland server's socket:

  1. If $WAYLAND_SOCKET is set then that file descriptor is used.
  2. Otherwise, socket_path () is used.